Jefferson Capital Systems reviews
Canaccede Financial Group Reviews

Jefferson Capital Systems on The Importance of Compliance

Compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations laws has been a top priority for Jefferson Capital Systems, a leader in the accounts receivable industry, since its first day in existence. The company was founded in 2002 based on the bedrock principles of listening, identifying solutions, and “Doing the Right Thing.” Jefferson Capital Systems reviews their processes and understands the significance of empowering its team members and stakeholders to uphold ethical business practices and fosters a commitment to ethics as an integral part of its business practices. The Company’s commitment to ethical business practices are memorialized in its Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) policy. Outlined below are some of the ways Jefferson Capital Systems embodies its commitment to building and maintaining ethical business practices in each of the three pillars of Environmental, Social and Governance.

The Company’s environmental pillar focuses on how the Company uses energy and manages its environmental impact to support a just and ethical world for future generations. An example of the Company’s environmental stewardship includes its installation of LED overhead lighting at a cost of over $40,000 in 2023. This investment in LED lighting will result in reduced energy consumption and longer lifespan. It will also deliver significant environmental benefits by lowering greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing waste from frequent bulb replacements.

The Company’s Social pillar focuses on how it fosters its people and culture, and its effects as a company upon the broader community. Jefferson Capital System’s social initiatives include:

  • It encourages all associates, as well as all third parties with whom it places accounts, to always “Do the Right Thing” in all consumer interactions
    This includes a focus on listening to consumers to better understand and respond to their unique circumstances;
  • Requiring full compliance with both the spirit and the letter of the laws, rules and regulations that govern the consumer collections process and servicing;
  • Engaging a third-party vendor to listen to and monitor telephone communications with consumers to ensure that they are treated with respect and dignity. This includes communications by internal and external account representatives;
  • It employs an experienced and dedicated Consumer Relations staff to monitor any and all claims or complaints of consumers concerning the handling of their accounts. The Consumer Relations staff is empowered to take immediate action if required on any account where a question or concern may be raised;
  • It utilizes a dedicated Consumer Advocacy Committee, made up of members of the legal, compliance, and customer service teams, to meet monthly and review and analyze all consumer claims and complaints;
  • It seeks to make a positive impact in the communities where it operates. Jefferson Capital Systems demonstrates its commitment to “Doing the Right Thing” by supporting local charitable organizations and initiatives. Through its partnership with the United Way, the company has contributed resources and financial support to causes that align with the company’s and its employees’ values and goals. Whether it’s providing donations to food banks, sponsoring educational programs for underprivileged youth, or supporting housing initiatives, the company’s contributions make a positive impact on the community.

The Company’s governance pillar focuses on how it promotes transparency and ethical practices throughout its operation. Through its Board of Directors, executive leadership, audit practices, the Company has undertaken the following governance initiatives to live and lead with high character:

  • It adopted a Board Compliance Committee which is dedicated solely to the Company’s compliance practices, led by an independent director, includes a direct line of report to the Company’s Chief Compliance Officer, and meets quarterly to provide on-going reports to the full Board of Directors of all compliance and regulatory matters;
  • It adopted both a Code of Ethics Policy and a Collector Code of Ethics which applies to all associates;
  • It requires compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations;
  • It requires that all company financial records be prepared and provided in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles;
  • It requires all job duties to be conducted in accordance with sound moral and ethical standards;
  • It places a duty of loyalty of all associates to the Company and prohibits associates from taking any personal advantage of an opportunity or property that belongs to the Company;
  • It restricts the acceptance of gifts and incentives;
  • It prohibits any conflicts of interest;
  • It prohibits improper influence on the conduct of audits or completion of due diligence;
  • It restricts the use of company funds or assets for political activities;
  • It requires full compliance with all safety and environmental laws, rules, and regulations;
  • It requires reporting of non-compliance, and allows for anonymous reporting;
  • It established a culture, corporate environment, and a Board of Directors environment that promotes high ethical standards and compliance with all applicable laws and industry and community standards;
  • It adopted policies related to anti-corruption, anti-competition, anti-bribery, and anti-money laundering practices;
  • It appointed two independent directors to serve on its Board of Directors, one of whom has significant industry experience and the other with a significant legal and regulatory background;

Jefferson Capital Systems recognizes that ethical business practices are essential for its long-term success and that its team members and stakeholders play a crucial role in upholding these practices. Through empowering its team members and stakeholders, the company creates an environment that values integrity, transparency, and continuous growth. As evidenced by its corporate moto of “Do the Right Thing,” ethics are deeply ingrained in Jefferson Capital Systems’ business practices.